Sunday, March 05, 2006


In this case, phonetically meant. I've stuffed myself with prawn toast, so fully expect lard to come leaching from my pores this evening in the bath. That and a little coffee! Lard is a bit of a feature at the moment, since I cooked with it yesterday. Food tasted fabilous, but I can feel my arteries turning to dust as I type! I've gone from the healthy fresh diet I used to have to the unhealthy fresh diet I have now. No processed foods still, just a lot of stuff that is entirely bad for me!

Today has been very slow, very slow. But nice, it's been gorgeously sunny and not actually all that cold, so I'm somewhat more upbeat. Tomorrow needs to be spent discussing stuff with Adam re: work, and doing a lot of dead-end stuff. And having a big think in general. And booking myself to get to London to see this niece of mine!

Bit of an ummm and an aaaah on the Patrick front. Dont know what to think or how to act there. Bit of an existensial moment, really. Not really a choice to make, just have to shoke myself from torpor and get on with life - though it would be nice to think otherwise, no? Or maybe my whole life philosophy is incompatible with the notion of couple-dom; it's what I've espoused in the past, no? And I cant say as anyone ever perceives it as a lack in my life, there's no 'so when are you going to find a nice man' questions, which in some ways is a bit of a relief! Bugger. Maybe should mull this over with Steve, who's got a good head on his shoulders with a lot of advice, even if he appears to be a shameless gossip. Still, it'd be one way to get over the whole coming-out crap....I've kinda made it difficult for myself by not just doing it, but......

Crap-o-rama. And tomorrow I HAVE to do the shitty jobs such as thesis colour printing, ringing about car and paperwork. What a to-do. Everybody sing: a reseracher's lot is not a happy one - happy one. Well, it is really, I've just landed myself in all the shit more than anything else! Hell of my own creating, and the worse thing is it can be better and I know exactly how.....


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