Sunday, March 19, 2006

Der schnelle Tag ist hin

Evening. Great afternoon was had by all! Lovely scooting about, though I should really be more careful the way I ride. Got totally overtaken by a guy on a gixxer - such nice bikes! - while I was myself overtaking a string of cars, he must've been doing at least 110, made me more than a little jealous! Still, something to aim for, no? I'll have to go back to owning four wheels - two bikes, that is!

Cooking this evening has been nice, though it didnt quite turn out as I'd planned. I've over-fried the chillies again, either that or they werent that pokey (we'll find out later when I go to the loo), and the coconut milk I bought the other week is CRAP. I dipped my finger in for a taste, and it did not have any taste at all. So just coconut mass without the flavour. Shame. Still put it in though (and have another tin of the stuff to use at some point!), but it means I have not a whiff of coconut in my curry! And an excessive amount of corriander, so it tastes very strongly of that. Have totally misjudged on quantity though and shall be munching it for the next few days; having padded out a 2lb shoulder of lamb (with bone! in my defence) with a whack of potato, there is actually enough there for the Jon-ster attempt at feeding the 5000. AND I've discovered I left the one remaining plastic box at work on Friday, bugger. So it means I'll be supping it in the evening, and Tuesday, too! I'll be sick of it by then, shouldnt wonder.

Feeling totally mellow. Still feeling a little nervous over going to see P, but it's not quite so urgent. I'm wondering if maybe I've worked myself through it all. It's all a bit odd, to say the least, I'm not being my usual incisive logical self in this regard! AND I'm short on the cashola front once again; never mind. Comes from buying expensive pieces of cheesecake and bags of cashew nuts and fresh coriander and other foods beginning with 'c'. On the cheesecake front, it has been rather a discovery; having failed to find one when I first moved here, I've found quite a decent one from the greek bakery, of all places. Most luscious. Shame there isnt a coffee shop attached! Never mind. They have baklava too - sticky, sticky, sticky.

Hands are very dry this evening owing to excessive washing up this morning and lack of moisturiser at home. Shall have to replace it tomorrow, but for some reason I get really embarrassed over buying enormous pots of Nivea, as if there were something insalubrious about it. All the usual stuff that normally makes people embarassed, water off a duck's back here, but Nivea? It's my dirty little not-so-secret.

Looking forward to the coming week, I've got all my purifications to do tomorrow (hopefully they've not all boiled dry!)


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