Friday, March 17, 2006

How bizarre

Friend of housemate has just shown me this. Weird or what? Well, considering what I know about some of my friends, maybe not....

Today has been mostly chilled. Group meeting when rather nicely, but I still blatantly know nothing at all. Have set up reactions to boil gently over the weekend, and shall probably spend monday doing nothing but purifications! Ah least work is feeling a tad more relaxed now I'm not mulling over the coming out shit anymore. Shouldnt have bothered me anyway.

Ill housemates are a lot better now. Good stuff, I dont want diseases! Tonsilitis is icky. Other than that, I've not got much planned - a day of sorting out domestic tasks tomorrow and enjoying the shopping, and then a relaxed sunday too I bet. Nice. Not much else to say there!


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