Tuesday, January 03, 2006

First Day at School

Well, first day at work. Got up FANTASTICALLY early, to catch train. I shall not be repeating this tomorrow, it'd be too much of a strain.

Anyhow, managed to fall asleep on the journey and wake up to find the carriage full of people who I never saw get on. Very spooky, to say the least. And then finally got to Leeds with the rush of commuters and watched how depressed they looked. Smiley Jon-ster was therefore brought out to play and spread a little happiness, not that they really noticed, miserable gits. And depressingly, it got to almost 9 before the last remains of night had gone, now I really know I'm back oop nurth. *shudders*

Well, Leeds does seem to be full of rather nice eye candy, having followed Mr spangly cyclist up the road for quite a way just to keep track of his arse. There are less productive ways of passing the time, but not many. Bear in mind also that I have doped myself to the eyeballs with caffeine - four, oops no, five coffees now, and counting, to include 2 shots of the hard stuff - so I'm not exactly in docile mood. But now that I'm here, I find that new boss is actually not in today, and of course there isnt much for me to get on with (surprise surprise) and that most of the people I need to go talk to arent back from their xmas break yet anyway. So a nice early start to not much.

AND, and I cant raise the bloody garage down in Poole! Going to have to try and get them again later, but this is not looking very happy for bike wellness, no not in the slightest. They'd better be bloody open this weekend if not before, I shall be otherwise most displeased. One thing though, what with all the shunting and travelling and other stuff, I've actually divested myself of much of my fret-ness over Neil. (:-) Hooray! Also helped by conversation with very nice Kiwi man last night, I maybe now have someone to descend on (fnar) if I ever head to that part of the antipodes.....lets see. Which reminds me, have to go check up on holiday stuff......and need to ask about that here too! My oh my, so much to think about.....

Expect another post later - I'm brimming over with it today!


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