Monday, January 02, 2006

House hunting day!

Early start today - not as early as tomorrow, half six, erk! - to get to Leeds and look around a couple of places. Sounded friendly enough people over the phone, we shall see if we get on! Have to buy an A-Z on the way, seeing as I dont know the top end of town from the arse end. Never mind. One guy though sounded positively stoned when I rang up, though I'm not sure whether that's just my first encounter once more with the dour northern spirit, but we shall see!

Yesterday at Gran's very quiet, actually, since the three oldies fell asleep right on queue and I forgot to print out music so that I could have a little play on the (very badly out-of-tune) piano. It's a real shame about that piano, it's probably not worth retuning since it's so off, but the casing is lovely. Shame, realy shame. More to the point that nobody has anywhere to keep it, so it'll just keep on rotting! At least it's nothing too valuable (or is it? *rasied-eyebrow-hand-on-chin look*)

Work starting tomorrow, fingers x-d it'll be alright! Have to have my best smiley friendly face on, and make sure I talk to everyone and find out about lunch and the like. And today I shall be calling Mr Neil, hopefully to put myself out of misery and acquiring a more stable new friend - though to be fair I'd rather a different ending came of it. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.....copious amounts of breast-beating for the new year! On thing though, it's completely stopped me worryong about my bike......that is obviously so much more important too!


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