Thursday, March 08, 2007

Dont know where the time is going

Time flies, huh? So it seems, dont know where this week is going.....down the crapper as usual, no doubt.

What news? Little, and I havent got a pretentious waffle for you today, so it'll be a bit of a bitty list.

Dodgy guts going on. Obviously I'm munching the wrong stuff, or in the wrong order. Most unpleasant, but hey ho.

Welcome back to the Unmoose who joins us again in blogdom, albeit under a new name. And before she panics, that's a link to her old defunct blog - so your aura of mystery will be preserved!

Hands have taken a bit of a dive (in terms of skin health), but this could be partly due to my efficiency in pouring petrol all over them at work. Klutz that I am.

Have now obtained my new passport, only took me slightly over a year to sort out, never mind. I now have my scraggy little beardage on my record for the next ten years. Still, at least I will no longer get Dutch security services laughing in my face. Process of acquisition involved a bit of a meal with my father, I have now spent the last 2 days overdosing on cashew nuts after a drought of many months. Woohoo!

Friend who is not this person going into hospital for a rather personal operation, best of get well soon wishes in his direction. Also discovered from him today that another mutual friend has buggered off to South America. No doubt he'll bump into my other friend who is not this person and it'll be a freaky little circle. Or maybe not. In fact, are you back in the country, Jane-r?

Work proceeds much as normal, despite the fact I'm supposed to be finishing up and moving onto other and better things; I'm mostly pottering, though should have something more to do next week, curses.

Jetting off south this weekend on a mission to look at houses and perhaps find a suitable one that's perfect. Wish me luck!

That's enough for now. See y'all later.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am back in the country in fact, got back a couple of days ago. Did you get my last email??? Then how come you didn't reply to it??? ;-)))) Look forward to catching up... xxx


13/3/07 3:07 PM  

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