Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Isnt life just fantastic, sometimes?

Sometimes I feel like an absolute fraud. I really never feel like I actually know anything which I'm supposed to; it's as if I've managed to blag my way thus far, but I'm really just coasting until someone notices that, hey, actually, that guy knows nothing whatsoever. Hopefully this feeling will pass, but it seems to underscore a deeper malaise that I'm having with my chosen career path. More on that story later. But not today.

Passport arrived at Dad's today, was wondering if that would happen and it has. This is what could be termed 'a bugger', because I'll never convince him to post it to me, so will require the expenditure of money to go home just to pick it up, cacktastic. I'm not bloody riding all that way with the weather the way it currently is, it'd take about four hours each way and a very scary trip too, considering the sidewinds that were blowing me everywhere this evening coming home - not nice.

Badly need a hug from my tiger, and probably a good kick up the arse from him too. I feel totally out-of-sorts and upended at the moment, and more than a little friendless. Quite irrational, and I know it'll pass (eventually), but it doesnt do much for the current moment. Also, I need to sort out all this rubbish that I've already done, and do some more, even. Arse-tastic, I hate work.



Blogger Graeme said...

Cheer Up! :-) You're not friendless!

1/3/07 9:13 PM  

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