Monday, February 12, 2007

Late home

It's been a long one today, and I just realised just how much crap I have to deal with before I leave Leeds and start back doon sooth, and that's just at work. Nothing at all to do with the god-awful moving experience that I'm going to need! What a bugger.

Still, late home this evening owing to guilt-induced late column at work and thus evaporating stuff until right up to seven, then home and pasta. Very light dinner, huh? But no proper breakfast this morning either, and I'm starting to feel the pinch of it once I get to lunchtime, and maybe even once I'm at home; I'm still feeling peckish and I've had aforementioned pasta and a piece of bread.....maybe it's worms again......

Today's culinary note: I added a bit of milk to my little bit of home-made tomato sauce, to make it a bit creamier and that bit more filling, but was disappointed to see it become all the moral of the story is 'remember what you put lemon juice in, as this will curdle milk products by the coagulation of casein', a lesson for us all. Good tip for making italian-flavour paneer, though!

This evening I must remember to make some lunch for tomorrow, and soak my hands a bit, they are a little bit sore.....


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