Saturday, February 10, 2007

Another ray of sunshine

Rejoicings, we once again have a working washing machine.....this one is very like the old one in southampton, I've got my trousers on the go as we speak. Nice. Only need my bike to fire up well this afternoon, and I'll be a very happy Jon-ster.

Received a final demand from the gas company gimps, not my fault they royally mess us about and then send us nothing but estimated bills, which I correct online and they then dont allow me to pay. Still, it's been paid now, and I just have to get more money out of housemates. We've been burning gas like, well, gas recently, very expensive bill for just one month supply of energy.

I've also managed to finish my latest computer game, my life will be a little bit empty till I can get hold of a new one! This should not be hard. But since I'm feeling a bit strapped after paying the huge gas bill, and the rent went out on Friday and my insurance goes out on Monday, I'll just have to wait. Hmmm. Anyhew.

Kudos goes out to workmate for the Star Wars list - much appreciated guffaw.

I'm also very snotty at the moment, think I've caught something nasty from my housemate - no puns please - and this makes me a little bit ugh all over. I feel the need to go into work, also, but that might be a step too far. I think there'll just be some shopping, some cooking and a bit of bike repair today and that's it. And some more crap telly. Is the 6 Nations on today? Hope so, always up for a nice bit of ogling of arses. Shallow, moi?


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