Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Da da da

News galore for you today!

Washing machine turned out to be totally bolloxed, so we're getting a new one. Landlady has ordered one in double-quick time - 15 mins between me sending a message and then being phoned by delivery company! - so slightly happier there. Washing also being done courtesy of Mandy - thanks, chuck - so I'll even have clean pants in the near future! Bike still not moving, but then I've not tried very hard. Battery has been charged, will try in middle of day at weekend and hopefully it'll be a big enough kick.....

Spent all day marking u'grads work this morning, very dull and dull, and then some. Non-stop talking, on top of no breakfast (silly me) was not the best thing, to come downstairs to find security search people are on my arse. No matter too much, just extra fretting. But I'm calm and placid. And even doing little spots of meditation in the evenings.

Broadband from BT has been switched off, but our new ISP hasnt delivered yet, so I'm without internet access for a few days. This is probably good for me, since I'm getting home really late relying on public transport. And then we've got to set it up again, no end of trauma! Never mind, sure it'll all come out in the wash.

Dad not very happy about me moving south again, but I'm not really surprised and I cant do much about it. Feel quite bad about whole relationship with him, like it's all my fault even though it is only half my fault. Hmmm.

Not much else to say, mind is feeling a bit fragmented and since I'm not going to be allowed to blog at home for a while, this is going to be the style you are getting for quite some time!


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