Friday, February 09, 2007

Internet is back!!!!

Hooray, once more wireless surfing from home.....bless housemate D, he was worried about setting up the network but it seems to be all fine....and firewalled and the lot! Hooray!

All that now remains is for washing machine to come tomorrow, hopefully not delayed owing to sever 'orrible weather. This weather-ness may also delay my bike fiddling event, since if it's nasty and cold I dont know whether I'll be really bothered. But it will need sorting out sooner rather than later. *shrugs* it'll be fine in the end.

New guy at work seems to be cracking on, I feel a little bit guilty about not having a big conversation with him yet, not that this is anything new with me and new people, but it's difficult to know where to start. Obviously we'll do that at some point, just in time for me to run away to the south.

And now I've got the house to myself this evening, and we'll see where it goes.....not sure what I want in the way of food, and since I havent really got the most enormous selection, it'll be actually simpler to decide. But I do think a personal evening with some trashy telly will be in order, since I dont get the chance to watch it by myself; I know I watch TV at P's but this will give me the chance to surf channels at random and not piss anyone off, and slob about with little underwear if I so choose, and eat shite (though not much can be worse than the 'ten doughnuts is dinner' meal I had on Monday. Potatoes tonight, I think! Other than that, I'm a little thin on the ground with ingredients - perhaps shopping tomorrow, but only for cheapo stuff and stores, I'll be on the mince for a bit.

Enough rambling, have to check out all my usual dirty websites that I havent looked at for a while. Or something.


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