Saturday, February 17, 2007


Oooh, have I not posted for quite a while? Cant think why, nothing happening is not usually a barrier to me trotting out my sesquipedalian nonsense (it's a good word, use it wisely my bloggardes). Maybe it's just been the dodgy guts and lack of cash. Nearly the end of the month and time to be paid now though! And the end of Feb will be the deadline for switching the water and phone bill names over. Punkt.

I'm now down with P, and since it's far too early in the morning for him to be up and about, but the sunlight streaming in the windows woke me up at the crack of dawn, I've been surfing a little, checking out bike shops round Surrey and dribbling over accesories. Funny, really, since I was completely shattered by the end of yesterday; there was a little nightmare with the trains, in that the service between Peterborough and Stevenage - the heaviest-used bit of the east-coast mainline, my route - was bolloxed. Why this meant I had to take one train from Leeds to Doncaster and then change, I dont know, but it meant I boarded a (two-hour delayed) service from scotland and had to stand up all the way across the Midlands. Well, I might have done, but since I was in the middle of a carriage I eventually plonked myself on the floor to save my knees. I dont see a problem with this; the train was rammed with people, yet I still got a bit of grief from the man pushing his way up and down the train a couple of times to buy beer (at vastly inflated prices) fo him and his mates. I think he was causing the more problems, trying to force his way past all those people, but never mind. Eventually I obtained a seat, and by the time we arrived in Peterbrough repairs had been made so the train kept on for London. Thankfully, this maybe saved me several hours since otherwise it'd have been a bus between P'boro and Stevenage, then more changes and then crossing London. But not for me, luckily - news from a large party of Darlington schoolgirls (ah, the lovely lilt of county Durham) was that even the replacement bus service had gone to pot! Arrived in at half ten, quite shattered.

And now the weekend! Hope it's a good one (:-)


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