Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Wednesday - little to report

Nope, not much in the way of news. I feel like my tonsils have swollen up massively, which does not bode well for the weekend (though I'm sucking Strepsils like no tomorrow), and it's a bit sore. Little done at work today: column prep, breakfast, column run, bit of cleaning and phaffing, then a 2 hour-lunch break before seminars (hence couldnt really start anything fresh), which were quite interesting, including a guy I've seen before who managed to talk for the full hour without covering the same material. Scary. Admitedly three (four?) years in the interim, but it does mean that there's a heck of a lot of stuff going on in his group that he's obviously up to speed with. Frightening, and not something I really want to do. But that's an old chestnut, yes?

Not much else to be talking about, off to see the Bond film tonight (hopefully I wont be blown away by the subliminal homoeroticism or whatever, I bet it's frightfully tame and girly) so shall report back on that later. But dont expect a major crit.


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