Thursday, November 23, 2006

Sore throat nastiness

I've got a sore throat. As I've blogged already, but it's one of those annoying ones that you only really notice when you havent got anything to concentrate on. And then it throbs. Lozenges proving ineffective at the moment, but I'm no so sure I've got effective enough ones, just ones that numb you up! Liquid consumption has been upped, since my face is also very dry and I needed to do it anyway.

And now, onto the interesting observation of the day. Why do people ever bother to close the bathroom door when there's no-one in the bathroom? In a shared house this becomes of great importance, I've noticed. If the default setting is no-one in, door open, then if the door is wide, you know you get to have a crap, if it's shut, you cross your legs and hope for the best! Saves any kind of bashing of the door and embarrassment of person trying to enter, as the way is clear. This is completely negated by closing the door if the room is empty. I fail to see the offensiveness of an empty bathroom. Still, people persist in doing it. Let the bathroom be free! It also allows disappation of moisture and smells.

And curse you Bartlett, for giving me a self-fulfilling prophecy! First mention he makes of lady house-sharers turning up the heating and then flinging open the windows (what is with that? crazy ladies), and I come home to see the top room window open. It's freezing outside! Shut your window and keep the bleedin' heat in - and if it's too hot, turn your radiator off! Of course, all mentioned in the nicest possible way.

I'm not turning into the annoying housemate, am I? That would be something I could never live down......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding the sore throat Jon, buy some Dequacaine from the chemists. It's fucking excellent - numbs your throat so you won't feel anything, let alone the pain. A curious side-effect, however, is loss of sensation on your tongue where the lozenge once was sitting. Odd, but not odd enough to discourage you from making the damn pain stop.

How did you get the sore throat btw? ; p


27/11/06 3:00 PM  

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