Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Where to begin?

Havent the past few days been rather eventful? In truth, no, but I've got plenty to blog about, and will be doing so very slowly with repeated savings, so bear with me, bloggardes......

I've had the day off work today. I've been more than a little ill, but it seems to have been a 24hour bug thing as I'm a lot better. Woozy head, very upset guts and that 'orrible feeling you get in your mouth when you've got flu.....on top of the sore throat, so it's not been the best of things. Of course, I was really feeling like shit last evening when still at work, so it was a very gentle ride home and I put myself directly to bed after a hot bath and a paracetemol. Feverish night, sleepy morning this morning (to be interupted by a visit from the landlady and surveyor- nice, but I just breathed at them and went back to bed), trip to Morrisons very slowly since I had no food, only to buy silly numbers of sweet things and eat cake when I got home, but I do feel better for it. Probably back to work tomorrow.

Other news from today is that my paper from phd stuff is going into Eur JOC rather than Chem Eur J, which in the executive summary means that it wasnt good enough as has been published in a journal of lower impact than we'd hoped. Never mind. I'm a little bit upset, but I'm also not horrendously surprised, given that we had to cut out a big whack of work to tell a completed story. Hopefully there'll be another one by me coming out v. soon, what with the work I've been doing here. In this instance, it means I must get the titrative work done before Xmas! There, a deadline for myself. And the other news of the day is that the washing machine is playing up - turning on and locking the door, but not starting the wash cycle....any clues, anyone? Really cant be doing with the hassle of getting it serviced.....

Weekend news has now been relegated to the store of anecdotage to be recalled at a later date, since none of it is really very interesting or to be revealed in a public blog (*snigger*). I'll get back to you all later with how the evening/washing machine saga turns out, oh joy....


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