Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Tired Tuesday

Very tired this evening, been a long day.....you know those days where you seem to do lots, but dont actually achieve anything? Had a bit of a one of those today. At least I had the day wrong for the undergraduates thingy, so I didnt have to do any teaching this afternoon (that delights awaits me for next week), but it meant I instead tried to do too much of something else; what I really need to do is sit down and do some paperwork (and phone the council and the 'leccy people) and generally relax about things, I'm being Mr. Stresspot at the moment and it isnt good for me. Have to remember it's only a job, and there'll always be something for me to do with my time.....only trouble is, it might not be something I enjoy or can cope with doing.

Driving licence arrived back today, to find my endorsement on it written in biro. Nice. You'd think they'd have something a little bit more hi-tec for it? Nice to know things are still done in a basic way sometimes. Anyhow, that shall be the last thing to go on there, I'm not getting hold of any more of those things. Captain sensible shall be in command from now on.

D'you know though, I really feel like I'm wasting my life away. Days merge into one, and I'm just not sure I'm doing the correct thing. I suppose this is what we might call a classic case of dukkha and I should worry about more important stuff. In the end, I guess there is no 'correct' thing, and I just have to take life as it comes, and get a little bit of enjoyment out of it somewhere; trouble is, it never seems that way all the time. I blame the darkness. That is, the dim evenings and mornings, and my lack of venturing out into the sunny afternoons. Not the once-popular four-piece beat combo with the penchant for lycra.

Maybe it's dehydration too, I really havent been drinking much these later days. I'm so looking forward to having a lot of time off over Christmas, I really didn't appreciate this time last year when I was just writing up (erk, that's a year ago) and having little to do, should have used it more sensibly and had a proper holiday with it, even if I had no money and less at the start of this year. At least I've paid off my overdraft now (well, I will have when I transfer the money), and I can start putting something away as proper savings. Well, at least until I have to get another job somewhere else.

*sighs* If it aint one thing, it's another.

Had a bit of a talk online with Justin last night, havent spoken to him in a long while, bless. He's feeling a bit out of sorts too, and misery loves company, I'm told! Still, I always have this habit of being breezy with friends rather than just miserable at them. Hope I've said something encouraging to him, dont like to think of people being down-in-the-dumps. Not nice.

Chilli for dinner this evening, cooking on the hob as we speak. Looking forward to it, nice big load of rice and chilli, mmmmmm........


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