Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Well I never!

Turn up for the books; Jon-ster has acquired at least one new housemate!

No, I didnt come home to find them ensconced, but they were about as it happens. It's the girl who was viewing last week, and will be moving in proper next week, so I'll be living in a feminine environment once again.....*thumbs up* long as it doesnt get overly feminine, the house in Southampton was a nightmare for half-empty bottles of hair products, but never mind.....and there may be a third and a guy this time, but we have to see on that front. That's the pink spikey-haired poof from before too, ah well, sure I can cope! Who knows, maybe my pink side will come ever more to the fore....but somehow, I doubt it. Anyhoo.

Today at work has been a satisfying day, I've managed to put a lid on several things at least for a while, but I'm not sure what everything means. Considerable thinking will be required, meseems. But I'm just rather overly pleased about the housemate thing since we may be acquiring televisual entertainment, as well as a reduction in the bills! Woohooo! We shall see whether it's a diet of Eastenders and Corrie, reality TV or something more sinister.....

I'm looking forward to tomorrow. I managed to break my resolution instantly when I came into work (damn you Cordier for putting on a brew! - much appreciated though), but tomorrow I shall be steely-nerved and not succumb to the brownéd juicings of the Coffea arabica plant, delicious though they are! I've got plenty of things that I'm itching to do, though this business with enzymes is hanging over my noggin'. Dinner, some Greek, a bath and a good night's sleep, and Jon-ster will be ready to take on the WORLD*!

*Excluding; persons of any nation, race or creed; species of any genus or phylum; non-carbon based life-forms; supernatural entities.


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