A long one....
Hello all! I'm back after my weekend away, so let's quickly reverse time using the magical device known as the imperfect tense (maybe a bit of perfect, if you insist) and go back to Friday......
Friday was far less manic on the caffeine front, only five cups in total. However, all of those were full-caff, so no brownie points there. The day went by very fast, but I'm starting to notice that I actually achieve almost nothing on both Monday (what with teaching the little darlings in the afternoon) or Friday (with midday group meetings and general 'it's the weekend' malaise).....so my entire productivity must arise on Wednesdays, just like the real world. Nice.
Smooth train journey down to P's, it's very dull when you've done it so often and so regularly; it's almost tempting to just try and book a flight one of these days for the variety! Except that I cant get on one because of my still lapsed passport (not that I'm crossing an international border to get to Sussex, but you have to wonder). Ah well. An unusual observation in that the journey down through Lincs and Notts, the fields were coated in low-lying mist that made everywhere seem a bit Hound of the Baskervilles or, even better, a little bit Wuthering Heights (cue everyone warbling a la Mifs Bush). Also, totally randomly, took the entire tube journey from King's X to Victoria standing right next to someone I was on the same course as at uni, but we didnt notice till I had to get off! Never mind - but familliar faces do turn up in the strangest of places.....memory is doing me and her a great disservice by forgetting her name, though Helen does seem to pop up......
Friday night was made delicious thanks to large quantities of sausages and bacon always much appreciated, tiger (:-). And so to bed, for some of the nicest time I've ever spent next to P, which is saying quite something.
Saturday was quite slow, I've discovered myself a new made-up recipe based on chicken, which I'm going to have to cook again up here sometime! Lots of time spent playing computer games (I'd never be off them if I had them up here) and that's about it. Now that P claims the oppressiveness of summer is over, I'll have to drag him back out to some of the nice places so we can enjoy them again but without him collapsing in an overly-heated heap. And to be fair, it was quite hot this summer......
Must'nt forget to mention the appearance of Gaia, the new pussy in our relationship - and that's one of the type felis domesticus before you disgusting people start getting the wrong idea (Me? Whelk? I think not)....she seems to be a quiet one, but cats are all different. Suppose I'm just used to our old two - may they be well, happy and peaceful - who were very vocal, specially Velvet once she got to her crotchety (and lonely, my heart-strings a-plucking) old age. Still miss both of them quite a lot, despite the enormous amounts of cat hair I spent my teenage years covered with.
Sunday was also a quiet one, more of the same of Saturday though including a very nice breakfast. Had a bit of a weird one all day [being a bit nissy as someone would put it (:-P], but I think there's a lot of feelings mixed up in me at the moment, relating to too much on at work and not relaxing properly in the evening. Never mind, it'll all come out in the wash.
Today was a bit crap, with so many things to be going and doing I didnt really have time to actually do anything at all, apart from create more stuff to deal with in the morning. I think a few days of tactical finishing-things-off would be sensible, plus it'll give me some time to get a bit of thinking done re: other stuff, and maybe send in some of these paper applications I've been blithering about for so long. Afternoon spent baby-sitting the Ugrads again, and some tentative questions from all (as they are still getting used to me, I think!) and some right daft ones too. Managed to get a little shower of dichloromethane (Yay!) from an inadvertant separating funnel, and heat up my fingertips a little too much on someone's flask, never mind. Also get the impression that I've lost all respect from the technical staff, never mind, but I've actually had quite a lot to do with talking to my littl'uns for a change; the rush will start next week with all the marking, I think, have to start chivvying them along for that one!
Tomorrow holds more depressing work things, whilst working around the project student who'll be under my toes somewhat. I'll have to clamp down on his spreading off stuff and my own, since previous Danny left I've let my stuff wander all the way down the bench....plus I have some tubing to change, yada yada yada.....oh bugger, this work lark really is a drag.....
See y'all round!
Friday was far less manic on the caffeine front, only five cups in total. However, all of those were full-caff, so no brownie points there. The day went by very fast, but I'm starting to notice that I actually achieve almost nothing on both Monday (what with teaching the little darlings in the afternoon) or Friday (with midday group meetings and general 'it's the weekend' malaise).....so my entire productivity must arise on Wednesdays, just like the real world. Nice.
Smooth train journey down to P's, it's very dull when you've done it so often and so regularly; it's almost tempting to just try and book a flight one of these days for the variety! Except that I cant get on one because of my still lapsed passport (not that I'm crossing an international border to get to Sussex, but you have to wonder). Ah well. An unusual observation in that the journey down through Lincs and Notts, the fields were coated in low-lying mist that made everywhere seem a bit Hound of the Baskervilles or, even better, a little bit Wuthering Heights (cue everyone warbling a la Mifs Bush). Also, totally randomly, took the entire tube journey from King's X to Victoria standing right next to someone I was on the same course as at uni, but we didnt notice till I had to get off! Never mind - but familliar faces do turn up in the strangest of places.....memory is doing me and her a great disservice by forgetting her name, though Helen does seem to pop up......
Friday night was made delicious thanks to large quantities of sausages and bacon always much appreciated, tiger (:-). And so to bed, for some of the nicest time I've ever spent next to P, which is saying quite something.
Saturday was quite slow, I've discovered myself a new made-up recipe based on chicken, which I'm going to have to cook again up here sometime! Lots of time spent playing computer games (I'd never be off them if I had them up here) and that's about it. Now that P claims the oppressiveness of summer is over, I'll have to drag him back out to some of the nice places so we can enjoy them again but without him collapsing in an overly-heated heap. And to be fair, it was quite hot this summer......
Must'nt forget to mention the appearance of Gaia, the new pussy in our relationship - and that's one of the type felis domesticus before you disgusting people start getting the wrong idea (Me? Whelk? I think not)....she seems to be a quiet one, but cats are all different. Suppose I'm just used to our old two - may they be well, happy and peaceful - who were very vocal, specially Velvet once she got to her crotchety (and lonely, my heart-strings a-plucking) old age. Still miss both of them quite a lot, despite the enormous amounts of cat hair I spent my teenage years covered with.
Sunday was also a quiet one, more of the same of Saturday though including a very nice breakfast. Had a bit of a weird one all day [being a bit nissy as someone would put it (:-P], but I think there's a lot of feelings mixed up in me at the moment, relating to too much on at work and not relaxing properly in the evening. Never mind, it'll all come out in the wash.
Today was a bit crap, with so many things to be going and doing I didnt really have time to actually do anything at all, apart from create more stuff to deal with in the morning. I think a few days of tactical finishing-things-off would be sensible, plus it'll give me some time to get a bit of thinking done re: other stuff, and maybe send in some of these paper applications I've been blithering about for so long. Afternoon spent baby-sitting the Ugrads again, and some tentative questions from all (as they are still getting used to me, I think!) and some right daft ones too. Managed to get a little shower of dichloromethane (Yay!) from an inadvertant separating funnel, and heat up my fingertips a little too much on someone's flask, never mind. Also get the impression that I've lost all respect from the technical staff, never mind, but I've actually had quite a lot to do with talking to my littl'uns for a change; the rush will start next week with all the marking, I think, have to start chivvying them along for that one!
Tomorrow holds more depressing work things, whilst working around the project student who'll be under my toes somewhat. I'll have to clamp down on his spreading off stuff and my own, since previous Danny left I've let my stuff wander all the way down the bench....plus I have some tubing to change, yada yada yada.....oh bugger, this work lark really is a drag.....
See y'all round!
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