Monday, September 25, 2006

Smelly weekend

Just back from fun weekend away with the work lot. Turned out quite nicely in the end! But I'll start from the beginning, so if you'd all like to cast your minds back to a time before the weekend, when things were different....

Friday turned into a hideous nightmare of weather day. Spent the day at work failing to do some chemistry stuff and just making a mess, then had cake to say goodbye to Christian (that's a name, not a title, peeps) who's off back to Austria, then had to walk half a mile to the house of this lady in the pouring rain. Got a little wet, which did not bode well for the coming days! Absolute downpour, but we eventually got into the car and headed on the way.

Journey across the country was suitably boring, but it's got to the point where I'm nervy being a backseat driver and find myself looking over my shoulder and checking for mirrors and the like. Good bike habits, but not so nice for people I'm travelling with! A game of twenty questions set by Gerard led to us not being able to guess a dust cap from a bicycle tyre, which took us quite a distance, and a bit of music but thank god no radio 2. Weather started to clear ever so slightly as we headed further west, and had stopped completely by the time we arrived at the hut.

Quite basic in accomodation, but perfectly good enough for a weekend. Only a few nasties, that being the mild asthma wheezy, the chemical toilets *ick* hence I ended up peeing in a lot of hedges and that's the lot.

Friday night we went to the pub, nearly ran over a sheep sat in the middle of the road (which refused to move even with the car up to it's nose) and then played pictionary-type game, with rude pictures, my ability to guess 'dyke' and lots of shouting. And then the cardboard box game involving lots of arse-waving in the air. I was quite good at this game, but refrain from the dirty comments because I've already thought of all of them myself!

Saturday turned out to be a very sunny day, thanks Cath for the loan of suncream (:-) or I'd have an embarrassing big red peeling head today for teaching, and we all went to do various things. Got lost, scrambled up a hill, got labelled a mountain goat by Lorna (lovely) and got wet feet. But a nice day, beautiful views, lots of sheep and very tired-making. No washing facillities, hence I remained rather smelly for the rest of the time!

And home on Sunday morning, desperate for a pee most of the way owing to too much coffee at breakfast! Leeds was bright and sunny by the time I got home, so of course there was some obligatory biking to be done, though I didnt get too far and wet roads under trees made it a little bit dodgy. And of course talking to P who I hadnt reached since Thursday, what with lack of mobile signal out in the sticks. Didnt think I'd miss it so much!

Back at work now, though little has been achieved. I think the Scissor Sisters debacle has finished, but not sure if boss has watched it yet. Very funny, glad I made it! Link shall not be placed on blog to avoid incriminating evidence - but all the people who'll be interested have seen it already, so I'm not so bothered.

Did everyone have a good weekend? Brill. My plans for the evening have fallen through, biker matey is going to be held up at work so cant go riding (:-( but I'm sure I can enjoy a bit of it all by myself!


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