Thursday, September 21, 2006

Scrubbed to the bone

Well, to a very painful blister at any rate.

Cleaning today, I feel absolutely shattered! Probably have done more actual work today than I usually do when I'm officially doing my job. How else could it be? Anyhow, the lab is as spangly and nice as it is ever likely to be, courtesy of a big bout of rubbing and scraping with scouring pads and the application of cream cleaner. I've now cleaned out four sinks, and as protest I'm not cleaning any sinks at home for another week or so.

Fewer ruffled feathers all round than I thought, people just got on with it, which was nice. Admitedly I spent a lot of the time skulking in another room, scrubbing things down and taking apart a vacuum manifold (such fun), so there may have been a huge blow-up and I'd never have noticed. We did manage to set the fire alarm off by not doing any chemistry though, which is quite an achievement!

And a nice quiet drink after work, though obviously I was on the stimulants rather than the depressents. Everyone else has now toddled off for a curry whereas I need to a) pack for the coming weekend and b) sleep. I'm shattered. Older by the minute as I approach 30, I'm due for a mid-life crisis soon (excpet I already bought the motorbike, what am I going to do instead? Answers on a comment, please), and maybe I'm a little broody? Not bloody likely.

Time for scran.


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