Monday, July 24, 2006

Out of sight, out of mind

Interesting little proverb, that, and contains within it a lot of philosophical speculation about existence. Do things persist whilst not perceived, or do things only exist as the object of an act of perception? If things persist whilst unperceived, then is this because of an eternal perceiver (call it God if you must) keeping tabs on it all? [not a job for a slacker - whoops, there goes an electron with more than -1.6 x 10E-19 C of charge!] What did your face look like before your parents were born?

Well, it's been a funny day at work today. Usually a Monday is time for starting off a load of new work, so that there's plenty to be getting along with. Today however was my last day for a while, since I'm off for graduation come Wednesday and spending the rest of the week with P, a well-deserved break. Which meant no point in starting anything big and new, like what needs doing, rather just pottering about tying up some loose ends. Most dull. And by three o'clock I was droopy, flagging and totally knackered! Probably need to drink a bit more since had almost nothing throughout the day.

Lookin forward immensely to tomorrow, yet a little bit nervous on the 'meet-the-family' event. Sure everything will go OK, but butterflies are in the stomach. Also, if I'm honest, it's partly because I've got a crazy idea that something will go wrong and I'm not going to be awarded a degree at all, that there's been some kind of phenomenal mistake! Dear oh dear......


Blogger Graeme said...

Go be proud, get your degree and if you like P so much then I am convinced ya family will too! GOOD LUCK x

25/7/06 10:38 PM  

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