Saturday, July 15, 2006

A nice lazy saturday

Yes, it has been. Slept in for quite a while as I wrestled with the dilemma of whether to go biking or not, and decided in the end: not. And so slept in a bit more. Eventually got up to have shower, shave head (badly need to order more razor blades for my thingy, but that'll also cost!) and then mooched about in room playing Tetris for ages. Nice. Eventually got around to going to the supermarket, where I spent lots of cash and managed to carry it all home, put it away and get trash my keyring. Not so clever, huh?

Discoveries of the day include the fact that clotted cream on scones is incredibly nice, but also that it is very filling. I think I've already had all my calories for the day, and I've got curry to make for this evening yet! Also discovered that the invention of the kettle surpases perhaps even that of sliced bread, since it took me about ten minutes to make a cup of tea this afternoon by boiling water in a saucepan on the stove. And then had to use a plastic measuring jug as a teapot. This situation needs remedying, I think it will be a job for tomorrow!


Blogger Graeme said...

Do you not own a kettle then?

15/7/06 10:24 PM  
Blogger J said...

I didnt - but I do now!

16/7/06 7:10 PM  
Blogger Graeme said...

well done lol

18/7/06 7:07 PM  

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