Monday, July 17, 2006


A nice Monday, though a trifle too warm for my taste. Got cracking on with work very nicely, and it all seems to have gone smoothly and will continue to do so on the morrow! We hope, at least. I'm part of the way done, any rate, which is reassuring......

To clarify for those of you who hadnt guessed, the porn reference yesterday was supposed to be a random joke. I do not, in fact, own any porn, much to my apparent chagrin as every poofter is supposed to have a huuuuge collection of it. Well, I dont. So ner.

Still havent acted on the chain issue. Procrastination of this thing however is keeping even worse news at bay, meaning that by not doing anything about it I'm holding off some even worse news! At least that is what I like to think, no?

Not much to blog today really. Havent even got any nice cookery tales to tell. Life just keeps rolling on! I'm happy today.....


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