Sunday, July 16, 2006

A day of doing not very much

Today has been quite relaxing. I've really done very little, having once again wrestled with the demons of motorbike and decided that I really need to sort it out before going for a long haul, I settled into the day. Scones for breakfast with less cream than yesterday (clotted goes a LONG way), and then a trip out to the supermarket to pick up a cheapo kettle to fix the boiling-water-for-drinks-and-cooking issue. It'll do the job, and I had immense fun heating up quantities of water which entertained me for oooh, all of one minute. Boiled the arse out of it to clean off the soluble plastic bits and coatings (not good in your cuppa!) and then had the first of many cups of tea.

I opened the back door to let some light and fresh air in, and it's actually been very pleasant all day just sitting about in the half sunshine, reading and solving sudoku (sudokus/sudoki? That is really beginning to annoy me more than it should), then a big bowl of strawberrried for late lunch, which a spot more of the clotted cream *lardarse*, which was most nice. I then began the mammoth cooking operation, the concoction of a stiphado so-called, requiring extended cooking at low heat in the oven, for a total of five-and-a-hours. Lovely, lovely, lovely strong sauce, and a gazillion herbs that I put in there, so though it is very nice it is also rather rich, so small portions are the order of the day (and NO, there is no cream in the sauce). It isnt quite a rich as the hideous thai dish I once tried, requiring the reduction of about three pints of coconut milk, but it's in the same direction. But very nice.

While that was simmering away, I did of course have to have the remainder of the scones, with just a little bit more cream - I could see myself becoming highly addicted to this stuff - and more hot beverages, so that I feel like I'm really getting my money's worth for this kettle. A quick chat with P on the phone, washing-up and here I am now. Blogging merrily away like no tomorrow. Except that there is a tomorrow, and it holds quite a lot of work for me to do, but I'm actually quite looking forward to it! I know exactly what I have to do and can just crack on with it rather than fanny-arsing about, which will make a change......

In the meantime though, I've got the whole of the rest of the evening to play with. Now shall I play some computer games or watch some porn? Hmmmmm.......I think neither, rather will do some laundry activities and have a bath!


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