Monday, July 10, 2006

My life sucks

Or, alternatively known as, Jon-ster wants to have a moan and a whine.

Writing report-y bollocks is dull dull dull. And tedious in the extreme. And is going to take me far too long to sort out, that I'm going to have a little cry about it. And end up staying late at work. Also, I'm in my usual Monday low period which isnt helping, 'specially when I think about all the extra work I'm going to have to put in in order to get some other kind of job in a bit. Not, not fun. And so I'm in a yawning pit of mid-range despair......

At least it isnt raining, I suppose, but I do get the feeling that it is going to.......and there's the ever-present worry of money, which is never good. Have less than I thought, and have to pay out in bills soon, so maybe I'm in for another lean month, and I really really need to save something. How is it that I've got to this age in my life with no money to speak of? Bloody annoying.

Back to the grindstone......more whinging later this evening, no doubt......


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