Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Kinda how I'm feeling right now. Nice relaxing bath (also known as 'sitting in warm water' rather than anything to do with washing) and I'm just about ready for some more liquids.

Today has turned out all right, I've managed to achieve a considerable amount, really, but it shas been extrordinarily dull. Also have been fielding several phone calls regarding the free rooms in the house (why do I end up dealing with all this kind of crap? It's somebody else's turn) and so I'm having to be at home for them to come have a look, not very convenient since I cant just go and do anything else (which reminds me - I need to make lunch for tomorrow!). Nice enough lass came around this evening, but I think she was a little bug-eyed having looked at a gazillion other places. Whoever moves in, I just hope they are nice and pull at least half their weight in keeping the place nice looking.....

More crap to be done tomorrow, no doubt; I still havent sorted my chain issues, or any other issues come to that? Maybe I should just go free for all on the group psychoanalysis, and you can all tell me what is wrong with my life and what I have to do about fixing it. So much easier than figuring it out for myself, which alas, is what I have to do.



Blogger Graeme said...

Hey I guess it's hard knowing what someones going to be like before they actually move in. Maybe you should be allowed to go and see where they currently live before agreeing them to move in lol

13/7/06 6:22 PM  

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