Friday, June 09, 2006

Tactical Error

More than one as it happens.

Now rather later than I meant to be going to bed (error 1), but instead of actually getting my head down, I'm blogging it (error 2). It's very warm this evening, but I havent had a shower (error 3) so sleeping will be a rather icky and sticky affair. Speaking of which, I've been wanking too much recently and so havent got much of a storage (please, please can I have some kind of prize for that statement, error 4). It also seems that Blogger has gone tits up, so typing all this may be a waste of time (error 5). After my hugely excited ramblings about solid-phase earlier today, my nucleotide completely failed to couple (error 6), hence I've had to make some more. On pondering this failure, I decided it might be due to having a sodium salt rather than a free acid, hence tried to acidify it and precipitate it (error 7, since idiot me forgot that oops, that acetonide protecting group might well just fall off). And I have to get up early in the morning to make sure I get the train, and spend a day at work trying to do far too many things.

Well, I suppose it is all my own fault! But I dont care. Tomorrow evening I shall be sleeping with P wrapped around me, and little else seems to matter. Though of course I'll be that much more pleased if I can couple my nucleotide, or obtain a nice free acid by careful titration..........


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