Friday, June 02, 2006

A full day!

Went to work this morning and got on with stuff. Not a lot to report there - and I must start writing a report soon! Dammit.....

Anyhow, the day really starts at half five when I get on the bike and go burning up about an extra sixty miles! Lovely, all over the dales getting lost and paranoid about running out of petrol, since the garage in Pateley Bridge seems to be shut in the evening, daft really - they'd do a hell of a trade on petrol!

One tale to report: just as I was coming home, got undertaken by two idiots in a black VW being stupid and speeding like mad. Well, they werent going anywhere, and I took great pleasure in burning them off at the traffic lights, despite the fact that they were revving back and forth and obviously wanting a race. And then I got around some other traffic and left them behind. Well, they obviously came up behind me again, since I was sticking to the speed limit, and they obviously were going to undertake me again. None of that, thought I, and just kept ahead of them, pissing them off no end, and I was barely ticking over. Do not race with me, car boys, because you will fail. And doing seventy in a city road is not clever, is it boys? Made my day, that.....


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