Sunday, June 11, 2006

A piece of justice

Just arrived from spending the weekend with P again, seems like I missed out on the really hot weather. Not that it was cold in Brighton, you understand, but I've arrived back home in Leeds and my room is sweltering (maybe shut the blinds next time!), it feels warmer than when I left the south coast and the news reports agree. So it's a trade off for last time around when I got the good weather at it rained at home. Fair enough.

Was a very nice, relaxed weekend with P, poor boy is suffering with the heat something chronic! Maybe I should dip him in ice next time, or whisk him away to northern Norway (not that they dont have warm summers either). Though winter-time would be hideous, I was bad enough up here in Yorkshire in January with the SAD, couldnt cope with the month-long night! Nice idea though, wonder if I could claim unemployment benefit in Scandinavia......

This week promises to be a bit of a bastard. I've got the monthly meeting with the boss tomorrow, for which I have to prepare the little written report (always a pain in the rear), and then probation meeting jobby on Tuesday. For which I have to drop off my lab books and spectra tomorrow. Nice. Or even, noice. Not looking forward to it, but hopefully it will go well (at least, I've not heard any threatening noises, so I'm hopeful!). It will also give me a spur on to look for other work, I think......time running out on this job, need to make plans of some description or other (and giving it all up and joining a monastery doesnt really count as a plan, not least because a certain someone would be after me with a wakizashi!)

And so to bed. Shopping tomorrow, when I must remember to buy washing powder. And cleaning tomorrow evening, to include bike&chainlubing...... a chemist's work is never done, is it?


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