Friday, April 21, 2006


Well, more current than the monster effort, which I may not bother doing any more for. In brief: Conference - old 'respected' speaker talks for half an hour too long which shows a stunning lack of consideration for both his audience and the conference organisers, no? - week with Patrick which was just the best time. I dont even feel uncomfortable not saying anything or not doing anything, or just being in the same room doing different things. Love the poor man to bits, more fool I! Shall be shuttling up and down the country quite a bit in the coming time, to see him as much as I can.

Yesterday met my niece in person for the first time, and basically people, it's a baby. With all the things that babies do (i.e. not very much). But stuffed myself silly for free, which is always a good jag, and had a bit of a conversation and ended up feeding Katherine too. We'll see what happens as she gets older, eh? Dont envy my sister all the hassle! Though Dad is blatantly stuck with the grandfather thing, suppose it's because he's not had much to do with babies for a long while, but I get the impression he's good at it (despite a twenty-odd year gap!). I'm just uncomfortable...suppose it's the 'not being able to communicate' thing, whilst also acutely feeling my own mortality!

Today has been slow slow slow......I've done the assignments on one lab book, got the other one to do in the coming days or weeks, despite a fear all my things have decomposed! But we'll not mention that. Done a column today, maybe will do another little reaction this afternoon, too.....oh joy! And jury service on Monday, which means even less to blog about than usual, since I cant talk about it. Never mind. Sure I'll come up with enough waffle to keep everyone going, eh?


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