Friday, April 28, 2006

I was going to blog a load......

....but it all seems to have escaped me! Never mind, eh? It's all because of new phone traumas......why do mobile phone network companies seem to insist on you upgrading your handset all the time? They'd save loads of money if they didnt bother, no? There's an ever-growing problem of old discarded phones, something they seem to have realised with their 'money for old phones' jag - though why they just DONT offer all those new phones in the first place, I dont know.....anyway, have the hassle of re-configuring a new one to get rid of all the hideous colour schemes and useless functions they always have, but my new SIM card doesnt seem to have been registered yet, despite the fact that it should have been done about lunchtime, and it's now after 5. Ah well. Just a bit of a bugger if it doesnt work, what with going to Manchester tomorrow! Never mind.......but it really is a pain in the arse, no? All I wanted to do was change my tariff, didnt need all the shite that goes with it.


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