Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Start of Monster Blog Effort

Well, I've been away for the week. Hence no posting. Though I suppose I could have done, if I really wanted to! In order not to get ahead of myself, I'm going to take the events of the past days over a couple of postings, which may get rambly or not, so you need to work upwards from HERE. I'll add them as I have the time to do so, and intersperse them with a bit more recent stuff. Got it?

Groovy. Well, Friday night was good and relaxed, arose Saturday morning and set off for Bristol to see Ade. Amazingly enough, everything ran to schedule and I made the 10-minute connection in Sheffield, having taken the weird route for purposes of cheap tickets ($16 vs. £80-odd - which would you pick?!). Mucho coffee was drunk that day, I've conditioned myself to buy coffee whenever I'm in a station or getting on a train, doesnt seem right without it! Also bought a bike magazine, which I havent read, 10 days later......

Absolutely GOBSMACKED by sight of Ade. He's been away doing the antipodean travelling thing, so I've not seen him since last September, which is a heck of a time, really. He said he'd lost a load of weight, and he wasnt lying - he looks so much better for it and generally a lot more healthy and happy, bless. Great to see him again, picked up exactly where we left off, though obviously we both had a lot of news to tell each other; him about his travels and me about my traumas and otherwise in the North. Turns out he had a good time, spent far too much money and had to deal with a psychotic trip-mate. Always nice. And dogs eating CDs.....dont ask, I dont remember much more than that!

Saturday was the 200th anniversary of the birth of Isambard Kingdom Brunel, who by all accounts was a funny feller. Not least for the smoking of cigars, being short and wearing stovepipe hats. But since he designed the rather marvellous Clifton Suspension Bridge, there was a bit of a celebration going on, with the fireworks and the 200 saxophonists (*giggle*). So we decided to go and have a watch, along with the fifty thousand or so other people. Started out being a very nice evening, and we had a very long one in The Mall (formerly of Footbridge and Firkin fame) where I nicked me Hoegaarden glass from in days of yore, owing to enormous crush of people and not being able to get to the bar. Saw hideous hairstyle, of a lady with quite grey hair who had decided to dye the tips of it both red and purple, in some kind of explosion/paint factory way. Not pretty. Then we joined the masses on Avon Gorge Road, and stood shivering as it got colder and colder and took ages to kick off. Not least because some idiots decided to climb the gorge and watch from the cliff face, right in the flight path of all the fireworks! So they had to be shifted before the show began. Also, we had to suffer a shower of ENORMOUS hailstones. Now, those of you who have never met me need the piece of information that I have no hair (I shave it all off, so very convenient), which makes for very painful sensations when my head is battered by huge hailstones. So I had to shelter under Ade's armpit, and what a site we looked - especially since he decided to start stroking me up top (much appreciated though!) and I yelled out 'Are you stroking my head, Mr Morgan?' at load volumes to the omnipresent crowd in general. Cue mass sniggering.

Fireworks were very pretty, though not sure it was worth the long wait in the cold and hail, especially since we then had to endure a short rain of ash. Obviously the wind was up a lot, because bits of it kept coming down over the whole Avon Gorge road, luckily it wasnt still glowing!

After that Ade and I headed into town for a few more bevvies, though we kind of ran out of steam, so headed back to his place for a little wine and discussion with Ange. Ange is Ade's new flatmate - Grace to his Will - and what a nice person she is. We got on very nicely, I think, she's just as easy to talk to as Ade and I can see why they get on. Talked to her a lot over the weekend, and she's got a wicked sense of humour and a wide variety of friends and acquaintances! Was totally chuffed when she suggested that, no, what I really wanted to do was move to Bristol. Which I probably would, given the option, it's a lovely place and I can always cope with more of it. Though I'm looking at it through beer-soaked goggles and the living in lovely Clifton eyes. Not so sure I could cope living in Westbury! And in any case, there's not much in the way of work around there bar AZ's process site (not likely!) and Tocris, who arent that good from what I've heard - though I could be doing them a diservice.....

Anyhew, it made for a bit of a *meh* hour, before Ange decided that she wasnt motivated enough to go out and Ade and I headed, at great cab-age expense to Winn's for more beer and loud shouting at each other in the presence of the army boys (well, the army fetish boys). Who we promptly totally ignored and just talked the night through! Nice to get a little pissed and talk, we do have some rather dodgy conversations (mutual confessional), but I have to say that we could have picked a nicer environment. Ade warned me off going into the gent's because of an orgy taking place, so I was most disappointed when I had to have a pee and found there was nobody in there. However, the empty sachets of Liquid Silk on the floor belie my experience. Rancid goings-on. Be assured, dear lurkers, that Jon-ster does not approve of such things (the use of the loos, that is - people can bugger who they like in a consensual setting!), really makes for an unpleasant air. Even more so later when I went to the ladies (yes, this time I chickened out) to the redolent odour of poppers. Yick.

All in all, a very succesful day! Went to bed at about half four in the morning, far later than I usually would, and I certainly paid for the demon liquor the next day, with a minging hangover. Not a pretty sight. But more on that story later.......


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