Monday, February 27, 2006


Yes, sleeping did me no end of good and I'm feeling much more bouncy today. Helped by a spate of much better weather, I was getting sick of riding in the rain. Had a nice breakfast for a change (rolls are such a good idea, a shame they're so pricey), and have got quite a few things done this morning including pulling some capillaries. For those of you not in the know, capillaries are very useful things for a synthetic chemist - fine, almost hair thin tubes of glass for extracting tiny samples of liquid from your reaction. You can buy them ready made in a number of sizes, but this is actually quite pricey so most people resort to pulling their own from glass pipettes. (in theory) You just heat the pipette up till is starts to melt and becomes pliable, and you can pull and extrude it into a fine capillary, and repeat alnog the length to get several. Not hard, but there's an art to it. I always end up pulling to hard and so instead of extruding the glass, it just snaps off in the middle, which is just useless! So I've spent about an hour doing that and occasionally burning my fingertips *ouch*. In case you didnt know, people, hot glass looks exactly the same as cold glass. So I've got some nice blisters now, which will no doubt sting like a bitch when they pop.

Going for a pub lunch with the group today to celebrate Catherine's birthday. First time for doing that, so should be good (though spending more money! I'm getting really paranoid about that). She's the really smiley one that blushes lots, it's really quite sweet. If I wasnt such a poofter I'd probably be really interested. Such is life. And before that comment really freaks some people out, I can appreciate nice persons of all genders - hey, some of my best friends are women! (:-)

Probably going to go to yon theatre tonight for a spot of Ibsen, if the twenty-five spondooliks I gave out to see Jerry Springer again on Saturday wasnt enough. Good to see that again, but they've had to really pare down the cast for the tour so it loses a lot of the impact of thirty freaks shouting at the other freaks (or 'chorus' as we could call them), and they've got a less attractive set - but they do have to take account of the fact that they are moving it every week. The quality of the writing does show through, and they had a mighty fine looking Steve again (what is it with me and skinheads) - which of course I had to tell Ade about straight away. Though he hasnt replied yet - maybe it wasnt appreciated! Anyhow, if people want to buy me the DVD for my birthday, that's fine. If you can get hold of it, since there's a clamp down on retail. Thinking of which, there was very little protest outside the theatre, all very York in fact. Just some flyer-givers and that was about it.

Ummmm, better go and check on the still - I *am* at work after all!


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