Wednesday, February 22, 2006


I feel completely knackered. I know exactly why, it's a very simple syllogism: People who stay up late feel knackered, Jon-ster stayed up late, therefore Jon-ster is knackered. The breathtaking simplicity of deductive logic! Aristotle would be so proud.

Anyhow, another late night thanks to comversations online with Mr Wolf, I really should hold myself there but it's just so easy to talk bollocks continuously for ages. I'm neglecting myself and other people! Damn this constant internet access. Plus I'm kinda getting a bit of a dilemma on my hands, and have stopped meditating again. All because too tired. And my hands are in a bit of a state too, bit chapped. Best break out the steroids again tonight, methinks.

But I have found out that I can distill things properly. I was so ridiculously chuffed about that yesterday, it's daft. The little things, maybe, that keep a contented chemist from fiddling about with *really* nasty stuff!

MUST print off my colour pages today and send them to southampton, best to get it done as soon as poss!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I'm flattered to get a mention :) But sad to be the cause of so much trouble :(

22/2/06 2:32 PM  
Blogger J said...

Worry not, I'm always having a dilemma about SOMETHING. But you've certainly caused a lot of brain-cog whirring (and the staying up late dont help much!)

22/2/06 3:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I shall leave you in peace tonight (besides, it's a good night for telly: The Apprentice on BBC2 and Desperate Housewives on C4).

Not entirely displeased at being the cause of brain-cog whirring. I wonder if I can get other bits of you to whirr, too :P

22/2/06 4:33 PM  
Blogger J said...


22/2/06 8:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A man can dream . . .

22/2/06 8:33 PM  

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