Sunday, January 08, 2006

Teesside again

Back at Dad's. Journey north took longer this time, no idea why! Stopped at same number of places, went same way - could have been the long stretch of roadworks, but even that wasnt too slow....still....knackered, and have to be up early tomorrow again!

Moving into house in Leeds tomorrow, have to have smiley face on again to be affable. Sure it wont last that long, mostly because I'll be too tired for anything!

Ummm, yes. Bit of odd goodbye with Matt this morning, we're both so obviously crap at being sincere. I mean, in that he's a dead good friend and I love him to bits, yet I cant say it to his face! Drop him a humorous message very soon, no doubt. And now I actually AM oop north, and not just around the corner - maybe it was a bit prophetic!

Must talk to boss re: viva dates, and sort out myself over that. Prob take at least a couple of days to do corrections and sign out of Southampton......bum!


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