Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Brokeback Mountain

Oh my God. Went to see this yesterday and was completely blown away! Excellent film, hope it wins something nice. Heart-stoppingly beautiful landscape, and something that engaged me in a film that I only normally get in the theatre. Cringeworthy moments, very sad moments and one big moment where I just thought 'thank bollocks I live now and not then'. Bloody scary. And gay-bashing is live and well these days, I've been very lucky never to have seen it. The bit where they meet for the first time after four years.....cant really describe what I thought anymore, but something I connected with.....

Still, a few little notes and commentary. I went to a screening for the deaf, so there were english subtitles on the bottom of the screen which you did eventually phase out, but very weird to start with. Especially since it kept coming up with the sound effects, to whit; >baby crying< , >grunts< , >dog barks< and suchlike. Most odd. But at times it was very useful to have the 'translation', what with mumble-worthy Mr Ledger who was incomprehensible at times! Totally into character, but it made listening quite hard. And oh dear, buying a large drink of coke before the film was rather a mistake. I spent about half the film dying for a pee and literally legged it to the loo as soon as the credits started! Anyone seen it yet? Ennis' wedding. I was dying from about there, so you can appreciate my mournful situation. So apparently I can have excellent bladder control when I want.

Sniffleworthy moments with Mr G in bad moustache (though as younger Jack he looks mightily fine, I know what I want for my birthday now please), and where Ennis finds the shirts in Jack's old room. Whose tragedy is the greater, I'm lead to ask? Though not tragedy in a classical sense.....harumph.

Anyhow, this will no doubt be whirling around in my head for the forseeable future today, and just throws into a bit of clarity that I've been single for far too long!


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