Saturday, March 24, 2007

It's the weekend!

Hooray, etc.

I'm really quite glad it's the weekend, and despite the fact that I've actually done nothing today apart from solve 3 sudoki and read a short book about psychology (take a look at the Milgram experiment, it's disturbing), but I've got all day tomorrow to do some cooking with. I've also done most of my laundry, so I'm in domestic normality for a change, instead of the mucked-up situation I normally live in (:-)

I am, though, looking forward to going back to work come Monday, because there are a very few things that I have to do, all of which I should achieve with ease. This is not always something that occurs! Doing this enzyme jobber with a mind to undergraduates has made me think of a whole ream of other possible things for them to do.....which could lead to me overloading myself with new work, but in this case I dont think so. At least I dont even have to worry about the aminoglycoside stuff anymore, because student is taking it over! Also, ruthenium stuff may be shelved - since it hasnt arrived - and I've not much else to do by way of things. I can retreat upstairs and type away with no concerns, since the downstairs office is now totally rammed full of people.

Other interesting news-stuffs: we've been continually visited by mystery workmen. The story about the back of my house falling off is old hat, but over the course of the past few weeks a) a tree has been chopped down; b) all the other so-called herbaceous border (aka the area of mud) has been denuded of plant-life and covered with little pebbles, thus guaranteeing it's immediate use as a kitty toilet, as I discovered today; c) the cracks in the cement-work have been filled in by someone. Most odd, since we werent expecting any of this to happen, and it is being achieved in a cobbler-and-elves type manner while we're all at work. It's quite a fun game, spot-the-difference with your own back yard! You might have thought the landlady would tell at least one of us that things were being done, but apparently not. This naturally means that we may have some malicious up-sprucers in the neighbourhood, but I doubt it. Strange, no? The cementing itself is rather pointless, since it's just filled in the cracks that have appeared in the wall - surely all that does is stop the drafts and not actually prevent the wall from collapsing? Certainly if it's the foundations that have gone haywire - and it certainly doesnt solve the problem of the wedged back-door. Nice that a certain amount of progress has been made though. But I doubt any more will occur, since this hurried patch-repair will be seen by said landlady as good enough for however long. I'm pretty sure that she'll not get new tenants in if the house ever empties completely; that big crack on the inside needs covering up for a start!

And so to evening, where I've been to the supermarket - all set for meatball/pasta prep tomorrow - and typed up this little entry. For the rest of the time, I shall have a soak in some moisturising oil (I've been very dry with the sudden cold snap recently), have lots to eat and tidy up some more. I may even dig out something else to read, perhaps even some chemical crap for a change!

Hello also to all the surfers from facebook who may be dropping by......feel free to post comments, y'all, I need a bit of interested feedback!


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