Monday, March 19, 2007


I'm feeling a little bit sleepy now, just hopped in-and-out of the bath for a quick shave, since the water refused to heat up properly this morning as it often does. I managed to get some decent temperature water out this evening though, and so am all smooth on top and about the cheeks. Freshly shaven is always a good feeling, though never quite the same as the first few times I did it - not least because now I dont hack chunks out of my noggin.

Pilaff-jobber for dinner has gone down very well, though the rice itself doesnt seem as tasty as usual; maybe not enough onions? It has been a while since I made one, maybe I'm out of practice.....or I forgot to put in any pepper. Hmmmm, maybe that's it. Still, more of it for lunch tomorrow, and not for another 2 days this time since I didnt make as much as has been known in the past.

Dunno what I'm going to do at work for the next week and a half whilst I cant use the chiral-GC, it kinda totally buggers me beacuse I cant do the very analysis that I need to - or at least not without wasting a *helluva* lot of time. So I guess that'll be me wasting a helluva lot of time then, huh? A probably doing it twice, which is an arse.

Anyhoo, I'm off for now! See y'all tomorrow......


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