Friday, October 20, 2006

Good morning all!

Isnt today simply delicious? No, it is not. Today is rather rain-besodden and dark. Mornings are so depressing these days, it's not funny anymore. At least the clocks jump back an hour soon, so we get a few mornings of light again before the real dark sets in. Harumph.

Today is also distinctly displeasing in a gustatory sense owing to the visit of Lord Sainsbury. A quick run around the interwebby turns up two distinct fellers with that title, so I'm not sure who is coming. But it is annoying since the whole day will be disrupted by him, as the last few days have as manic cleaning sets in. Why it either isnt a) always so manically clean or b) that we dont merit having a clean working environment but a visiting Rupert who is here for 10s does - I dont know the answer. One of those eternal ones perhaps. Grrrr.

Very hungry this morning, and I forgot to make myself any lunch yesterday. So today I shall have to buy some lunch, what a shame, what a shame. But now I should put some clothes on and get heading out!


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