Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Delightful smells

Our kitchen seems to be ever-so-redolent of something rotting. Not quite sure what it is, but suspicion would land on there being some secret food stash that has been forgotten. Certainly not me (though the potatoes I bought last week in a fit of teutonic culinary fervour are starting to sprout very nicely - more fool I), but I do suspect the bin. May have to fill it wil bleach tomorrow.

Also noticed that there's something piquant about the smell of cow shit. Or is it horse shit? Well, whichever, as you go zipping along nice country roads, you dip in-and-0ut of areas of stink. And it certainly adds a bit of spice to life! Even if that spice is 'crap'.

And now the really interesting observation. Annoying housemate is now completely gone, left his keys and everything. What I'm more worried about is the fact that he hasnt paid me for the fuel bills yet, and I dont have any contact details. Hmmmmm, methinks he's pulled a fast one. Git. But the observaton; apparently he has been living in a room with no bed. Because there aint no bed in there now, unless he swiped that as well! Weird. Not that I didnt already know all of that. Never have to endure crimes against food while biting my tongue again! Though I'm more than annoyed about the cash fiddle.

Might have a shower later tonight, badly need to razor my head. I've become far more lax with it than I used to be, could barely go three days without feeling scruffy, but now I'm far less anal. And my head is much the better for it, time to recover! But it's really 'orrible right now; plus it means I'll not have to shave across the weekend, too. Off to see the man again, cant wait - long-distance thing is not easy, but we've got staying-power, and I'm damned if I'm letting him get away now *winks at P*


Blogger J said...

This is in fact the case. Mmmmm, gaffa.......


6/7/06 7:11 PM  

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