Tuesday, July 04, 2006


It is. Warm. Actually, it feels warmer now than at work during the middle of the day, if that's possible! Yes, it is very, because I've only got the little skylight in my room to let the fresh air in, and though this is fantastic in the winter for keeping it toasty, right now it's a bit much!

Tomorrow I will be buying refreshing drinky type things. I'm getting a lot dehydrated, what with the lab, the warm and the coffee. So we turn to the marvellousness that is orange juice, chilled and spangly. Perfect for drinking, vitamins and rotting your teeth! Also I need to buy electric white goods (since our toaster and kettle have mysteriously vanished), and a tin-opener. Nearly a disaster this evening with that, as I discovered that the good one had gone! All worked out in the end though, without attendant grevious injuries with the spurting blood and the rusty metal.....

Going to have a bath soon and rinse off the day's grime, ready for more of the same tomorrow. Lovely. And must rejig my music, too.....


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