Monday, February 20, 2006

Sublimation of mild irk

Instead of going mental like I did yesterday. This is a better thing to do, and let everyone know about it!

Keira, I'm sorry I'm nicking your housemate tic, but I need to today just to blow off a little steam. I really cant understand why my housemate feels the need to spread his food between the two fridges. It's a bit much! Having monopolised the one in the kitchen, it now seems he begrudges any one else putting anything in it, so he's also using the one (that *I* scrubbed out) across the room and hogging that too! Some of the rest of us might want a bit of space, you know....or you *could* perhaps come to terms with the idea of putting your things in a smaller space.

And while we're on it...why d'you feel the need to have the heating on the fling the window open wide? Turn your bloody heater off, and keep the warmth in (plus amazingly, it'll cut down on the service bills! Woooo!)

Sorry for that. had to be done.


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