Sunday, November 27, 2005


Now I lay me down to sleep....except that I'm not, obviously. About to get under covers and start reading tho! Also part of the booty from get-out was a copy of 'an actor prepares' by Stanislavsky, turning into quite interesting reading, though it seems to be taking a turn for the philosophical! Never mind, it'll do as a filler. Since finishing off 'A Feast for Crows', I'll not have anything to get my teeth into for another bloody five years!

Need to remember to pester housemates for contributions to 'leccy bill. Turning into a bit of a pain with the whole organisation thing. I think I'll invest in a whole load of new files from work tomorrow, so I can sort out all my bank stuff and such rubbish. I'm hopeless with stuff like that, it would do be good to be a little anal from time to time. Dont think it'll last.

Hopefully something will happen tomorrow!


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