Friday, July 20, 2007


You all know how crazy the weather's been today. Hasn't it just? Woke up this morning to find it a bit damp outside, rain in the night, nothing heavy. So I sit down to no breakfast (I've eaten myself out of house and home) and a bit of early morning wikipedia surfing, putting on my leathers to get ready for work, when there's an enormous clap of thunder and the heavens open. Mad. At least it eased off and I go to work OK with little dampage, thinking I really should have put on my hi-vis jobber.

But then, mid-morning, the heavens open once again and it's even worse! The little bit by the new building at work ended up under at least 6" of water. Not the nicest July this year.

Crazy though, by 2pm it had all dried up and gone away, and we had blazing sun. My bike-riding plans for this weekend will be shelved until I'm certain that it will be nice!


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